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I am a freelancecopy editor and proofreader specializing in editing for academic publishing and magazines, with experience with literary and nonfiction manuscripts, reports, and journalism.

I work chiefly with UPPERCASE magazine and McGill-Queen’s University Press (MQUP), and the journal Philosophical Inquiry in Education.

My interests are informed by environmental concerns and advocacy work, and I am always looking to work with organizations involved in these areas.

Please get in touch:

Montreal, Quebec, Canada​

(relocating to Ottawa, Ontario)

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What makes for good editing?

Language is not so much a tool as a living, vibrant, dynamic thing with which we must wrestle if we want to express and share our ideas. Language is powerful, but also often messy and unwieldy. Clear and effective communication takes work.

But good editing is not just about applying rules and following guidelines, nor just about finding creative solutions; it also involves what's been called a “critical awareness of bias, privilege, and power and an ethos of deliberate care."

I believe that truly effective writing must also be accessible and inclusive, and that if we want accessibility, we must strive for language use that is egalitarian, empathetic, and empowering.


Empathy is as necessary a tool

as good grammar.

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